sreda, 24. oktober 2012

i build a home

I cannot even believe it. Two of my favorite dancers made a piece on one of my favourite songs. The combination is marvelous

ponedeljek, 22. oktober 2012

From Paris With Love

If you like ska and if you love jazz... Great combination - glory to the sound.


Na fakulteti so me letos prijetno presenetili. Eden od projektov, ki se jih lotevamo, je tudi obujanje starih kočevarskih vasi. Ker sama prihajam iz teh koncev, je skoraj logično posledica, da sem "totalno padla notr", head to toes. Upam, da mi tematiko uspe nadaljevat v magistrsko nalogo. Prejšnji teden smo se odpravili na teren po parih vseh, utrinke dodajam v fotografijah. 
Za vse ki vam ta tema ni tako poznana, kočevska je eno največjih območjih, ki so doživela posebno zgodovino - najprej naseljevanje v 14. stoletju, nato množično izseljevanje med drugo svetovno vojno, pa neprijetni dogodki po vojni - vse to pušča krajini neko posebno, otožno vzdušje.
V četrtek smo obiskali Žago Rog, Rajhenav, Hrib pri Koprivniku ter Mokri potok. Žaga v Rogu je bila svoje čase eden največjih lesnoindustrijskih obratov v Sloveniji, kjer naj bi bilo zaposlenih kar 400 ljudi. Za prevoz lesa so tudi zgradili posebno železnico, ki je tekla pod krošnjami v gozdu. Zaradi pomanjkanja vode na območju, so prekrili hrib in omogočili zbiranje vode v ogromne vodnjake. Danes je območje razen ene hiše prazno. 

Na poti proti Hribu smo se seveda obvezno ustavili pri kraljici roga. To je druga najdebelejša jekla v Sloveniji, obsega 580 cm in ocenjene starosti 240 let. 

Hrib je bila vasica z največ 227 prebivalci v letu 1880, danes je popolnoma prazna. Lokacija je idilična, na kopastem griču na nadmorski višini 675 m. Opuščen prostor ti vzbuja spoštovanje, saj lahko še skoraj čutiš zgodovino in opazuješ hitrost sukcesije, ki napada še zadnje ostanke vasi. 

Mokri potok pa je zadnja lokacija, ki smo si jo ogledali, kraj pa nas je povsem prevzel. Lega je sicer rahlo skrita pod hribom, v dolini teče potok, ki predstavlja neprecenljiv vir vode in hkrati ustvarja mikroklimo, ki je izrazito prijetnejša poleti. V vasi namerava skupina mladih ljudi, ki želijo živeti bolj v ritmu z naravo postaviti celotno vas, ki bi delovala na principih samozadostnosti. Ideja se mi zdi idealna za takšne primere vasi, saj lahko kraju zopet vdahneš življenje brez vnosa modernih tipologij, tehnike, načinov gradnje in življenjskega stila. Malo jim skoraj zavidam :)

In ker mi to še ni dovolj, se v nedeljo odpravim še na hiter krog, kolikor mi je dopuščal čas. Ujela sem že zadnje sončne žarke! Smer: Mozelj - Kočarji - Suhi potok - Kačji potok - Svetli potok - Staro brezje - Laze - Onek. Estetski orgazem jesenskih barv in krajine :)

 Moja asociacija po vsem tem.... rainbow country :)

ponedeljek, 15. oktober 2012

deževen dan

Deževen dan je, mi pa smo produktivni. Faks te totalno potegne notri, letos so na vrsti res super projekti. Tole je moj delovni kotiček v študentu. Spodaj pa nekaj skičk za v portfolio...

Rainy day, but being productive. School totally sucks me in and we have great projects coming up. This is my working pocket in student dorm. Below some sketches for the portfolio...

sreda, 10. oktober 2012

red october

Za tak len, nežen večer...

Slovenija je lepa.

Včeraj je bil verjetno eden zadnjih lepih, toplih jesenskih dni. S sošolci na faksu smo imeli srečo, da smo ga preživeli na terenu v Bohinju. Več v fotografijah...

Yesterday ws one of probably the last warm, sunny autumn days. Our class was happy to have field work in Bohinj. More in photographs....

ponedeljek, 8. oktober 2012

Out of scale

Lani smo na enotedenski delavnici (s prof. U. Weilacherjem) pogledali na prostor iz malo drugačnega vidika, in kasneje tudi prešli med različnimi merili. Kako gledam na krajino, kje jo najdem? Lahko že v majhnem koščku lista, ki pade z drevesa, ali pa na velikem aero posnetku. V vsakem primeru mi krajina ponuja neskončne možnosti raziskovanja...
Tako pa jo je videl moj prijatelj Francois:

Last year we had the opportunity of having one week course (with prof. U.Weilacher) of seeing and looking at the landscape in a different scale. How do I see the landscape, where do I find it? It could be in a tiny leaf,  or on a big aerophoto shot. In each case, landscape offers endless possibilities for exploring...
This is how my little friend Francois saw it:

Francois is an eligible man of a sparkly smile in approximately his fifties. He comes from France, but moved to Slovenia when he was seven. He misses his homeland France enormously, and he translates these feelings into writings of French chanson’s, when he can metaphorically shed his unheard love for the beloved France and lovely charming Paris into words, written on paper, in such metaphorical translations, even he can hardly understand.
Francois is a great fan of old cavalier manners and he wishes to become the most gallant gentleman and to be a great example for all man race. In his poems, this is the spirit of romanticism, ingredient in such quantity, that it captivates even the coldest rock underneath a bachelorette’s clothes.
Francois has a little secret of a great personal significance. Every fifth day he goes hiking across Slovenia in search of the great inspiration for his chanson’s in the nature handsomeness’s. He claims never to become fed of those. Therefore, She will always stay most glamorous muse that not any of her daughters will ever reach.
And so every Monday, or any other day that comes next, he goes hiking, or as our grandfathers would say, wandering. He’s always led by his nose, always following pleasant scents, exhaled by ground or vegetation, and listening to the sounds of living. Just as yesterday, when he was wandering across a certain village and the rain was pouring down. Francois wasn’t bothered, and his good manners could not be interrupted by raindrops falling on his thinned forehead, cooling the heat, if a considerable, wise woman walks by, he is not bothered not to step by, hardly even showing the bow and respectively takes off his hat.
One moment after, he’s back, thinking of Her, and the words just float. Te hat is still taken of, but he’s not even aware of it. Inside him, there is a poen forming it’s shape, a new melody, that gently weaps across the raptures in the ground with the mumbling of his mouth. A new song is made,  new heartbreaking chanson to keep us warm in the winter, when it’s not as warm as on this spring day. 
This was one day in the life of Francois, while he was wandering around Slovenia, observing the space and following his nose. He got cought in the rain, but was not bothered. Cold raindrops, pouring the thirsty ground, were nicely melting on his  coat, giving him a feeling of a reality and living. While composing a new 25-row song he did not even notice his shoulders have stopped being poured by rain. The raining stopped, and the space was filled with the calmest quiet ever heard. It lasted only for a moment until the birds realized it and started their spring dance. Even the woodpecker knocked, showing off who the loudest is and ecouraged gentle swing of Francoises chanson. This melody gently floated through the cracks in the ground, where the author stood, or across the silhouettes in the horizon.

    Plan of the situation

Francois is standing on a rock ground in the middle of Slovenian country, watching the anomalies on the floor while thinking of chanson’s. Subconsciously he transforms all stimulates from outside into his songs which are like cracks on the ground. By walking he additionally feels them; every foot goes in different direction. The ground feels rough, he must also be careful not to fall in any of the puddles. The holes are sometime deep, sometimes shallow, and also not of the same density. They run in their own direction, only one of them being much deeper and rotated in it’s own particular way.

     Plan for the garden (based on the plan of situation)

     The Valley of inspiration

The Valley of Inspiration lays under the Rocky mountains, near the most clear river ever seen. Francois and I live in the village called Smallage, and it lays under the mountains. Many people are farmers, and live respectfully with the nature. Francoies adores walking to the nearby Wetfoot wetlands and composing chanson’s there. He is quite well known in the neighborhood, so people called a city after his area of work, the City de Chanson’s. The Valley is perfect for living, people caught the river into a smaller lake for electricity production and they are quite self-sufficient.

petek, 5. oktober 2012

Fagus sylvatica

Doma sem skoraj iz gozda, zato je ta velik del mene... Spomladi sem imela fotosession z bukovim gozdom, očarana nad lepotami, samo ležala pod krošnjo in se čudila. A ne glede na to, kako se trudim, resnične lepote narave ni mogoče zajeti v fotoobjektiv. Delček je torej tu, preostale detajle pa naj vam nariše domišljija sama...

I live practically in the woods, so they are a part of me. In the spring I had a photoshooting with a beech forest, just lying under the crown, starring and adoring. But no matter how hard I try, I cannot capture the whole, true beauty of nature into the camera. So a piece of it is here, the rest of the details is up to your imagination...

sreda, 3. oktober 2012

Mnogo je koreografij, ki me ganejo, a tale že dolgo zaseda mesto najljubše. Love it!

There are many choreographies, that touch me, but this one has been my favorite for long time. Love it!

Nedavno smo se s kolegi udeležili urbanistične permakulturne delavnice na Dunaju, natančneje v Aspern Seestadt-u. Za začetek nekaj utrinkov fotografij, kasneje tudi kakšen tekst.

Recently I have participated in an urbanistic permacultural workshop in Wien (Aspern Seestadt) with my colleagues. For now, some highlights in photographs, later some text.

pod vodo

Rada imam občutek biti pod vodo. Tako mirno je, voda zapolni vse tvoje čute, ovije naša čutila v ovoj, ki tako ali drugače izolira tvoje zaznavanje in izključi dražljaje, tako da slišiš samo še svoje misli. Že od nekdaj rada plavam pod vodo. Pomirja me dejstvo, da imam možnost zbežati od realnosti, od hrupa vsakdanjika, pa čeprav je ta trenutek dolg le toliko, kolikor lahko zadržim svoj dah. Torej je količina moje zasebnosti odvisna od mene, kolikor jaz zmorem. Kar je zopet dobro, ta občutek, da se zanesem nase in sem zmožna potopiti se v vodo, zaplavati sama. Četudi to ni v vodi, moram zadržati svoj dih tako dolgo, da se spet začutim, se povežem s sabo in s svojim mirom, šele kasneje se lahko spopadam s hrupom življenja.

I love the feeling underwater. It is so calm, the water fullfills all your feelings, wraps all your sences into a soft wrap that in some way isolates all your perception and turns off all stimuluses, so you can only hear your thoughts. I've always loved swimming underwater. It calms for having a possibility to run away from reality, from everyday noise, although this moment is as long as I can hold my breath. Therefore, the amount of my privacy depends on me and my abilities. Which is also good, this feeling, of depending on myself and being able to sink underwater, swim alone. Even though not in the water, I have to hold my breath long enough, to feel myself again, and then later cope with the noise of life.