nedelja, 18. november 2012

The world spins madly on

Po dolgem času sem se spet spomnila na tole pesmico.....super je, in animirana koreografija - domiselno in lepo.

After a long time I remembered of this's great, and the animated choreography - clever and beautiful.

sobota, 17. november 2012

V Rožni je mir...

Actually a photo from wednesday, but forgotten in a draft until today. More from Venice achitectural bienale soon to come :)

sreda, 14. november 2012

Sladkorna pena_Cotton candy

Želim si sladkorne pene. Kako dišeča stvar je to, izgleda veliko, polno obljub in sladko! Položiš  jov usta, še poln upanja in z vonjem pene v nosnicah, jo okusiš, jezik začuti bling (!) sladkosti, mmmmmmmm, in že je konec trenutka. Ostane ti le sladkasta roza tekočina v ustih, limaste ustnice in packasti prsti. Kmalu ne veš več, kaj bi s peno, kako jo pojesti do konca, če sploh, saj veš, da je slaba zate. Ampak jaz jo. Vsakič. Čeprav vem, da me na koncu čaka neprijeten zaključek z oblizanimi prsti in sugar rush, ki prehitro mine. Pa to pomeni da ne poskusim? Nasprotno, in to vsakič znova. We all need some suger in our lives, se tolažim.

I want some cotton candy. What a tasty thin it is, looks big and full of promises and sweet! You put it in your mouth, still fullfilled with hope and the smell of candy in your nosethrills, and you taste it, your tounge feels the bling(1) of sweetness, mmmmmmmmmm, and the moment is gone. All you have letf are sweet pink liquid in your mouth, sticky lips and fingers. Very quickly you you re not sure what to do with the cotton candy, how to finish it, if even, because you know it's bad for you. But I do it. Everytime. Eventhough at the end, I'm left with licked fingers and sugar rush that ends to quickly. But does it meen, that I don't try? The opposite - again and again. We all need some sugar in our lives, I confort myself.

ponedeljek, 5. november 2012


My first canvas painting ever, made with love for a very dear person, put in the best plase ever  :)

In še neki za zraven...